Building a Better Future Together.

The Settegast Revitalization Project aims to provide economic mobility, affordable housing & educational opportunities to all. 

Do you need healthcare, housing, or education?

See What’s Happening In The Community!




Education Healthcare Housing

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in the Greater Houston Settegast region by providing comprehensive healthcare, safe and affordable housing, and access to quality education for children, the elderly, and veterans. We are dedicated to fostering a thriving and inclusive community where every individual can lead a dignified and fulfilling life. Through compassionate care and collaborative partnerships, we aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment that empowers our residents to achieve their full potential and build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

Our Projects

The Mt. Canaan Community Health Center is a church event center turned multi-purpose healthcare facility in one of the worst health deserts in Houston. This two-and-a-half million dollar facility fills the gap in health needs for the residents of Settegast: A historically black neighborhood and one of Houston’s most underserved communities. The crisis of health in this neighborhood cannot be understated which upon inspection raises concerns about the lack of equitable and affordable healthcare in Settegast: a categoric health desert.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive and affordable healthcare to our patients as well as wellness services and training. We not only administer quality and affordable care to patients, but the backbone of Eden’s outreach is to better the community of Settegast at large through vocational training, education, and volunteer opportunities. Our services include but aren’t limited to pediatrics, gynecology, nutrition, immunology, and radiology.

Our Timeline


Research, Planning, and Governance


FQHC Construction and Grant Processing


FQHC Grand Opening, Grocery Store Grand Opening, Affordable Housing Ribbon Cutting

Charter School, Community Garden, & Veteran Programs

2030 & Beyond!

From Church To Clinic

The church reno budget is over $2M, which will provide the community with a high-tech, modern health facility: an anomaly in Settegast.

In addition to the micro-hospital, Mt. Canaan Community Health Center will endeavor to meet the long-term health needs of the Settegast community. It will rent out space to a primary care clinic, a pediatric clinic, a dentist, and a gynecologist, as well as featuring telehealth services and lab testing. There will also be a gym, a conference room, and a kitchen that serves both a cafe on the terrace and provides high-quality hospital food.

Use of Funds



Medical Equipment

Overhead & Operations

Acquisitions & Renovations

Future Departments




Urgent Care

Mental Health

Telehealth (PMC)

Pediatric /Prenatal

Vocational Training